SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - What other options does a homeless person have? Have you been in this situation?

2013-11-27 6

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - What other options does a homeless person have? Have you been in this situation? - My husband and I had factory jobs 4 years ago. We had a baby and I went back to work. 2 weeks later I lost my job and couldn't get EI because I just came back from my baby. 2 weeks after that my husband lost his job. 2 years after that, a bankruptcy and another baby and my husband got laid off again from his job. His EI runs out this week. On top of that he doesn't have enough hours to get another claim and there are no jobs here. Besides that we're applying for wefare. It will be for about 2 maybe 3 months until he goes to basic training in the army.

My problem is this: we live with my mother and our homelessness is called concealed homelessness . My mother abused me as a child -