Laughing Gas Severely Threatens Ozone Layer

2013-11-27 301

The United Nations Environment Programme has issued a report warning about nitrous oxide’s huge threat to the earth’s ozone and our climate.

Some greenhouse gases are nicknamed “Cinderella gases” because their existence is largely ignored. One of these gases is nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as laughing gas and used as a numbing agent in dentistry and surgery. The United Nations Environment Program’s recent report warns that nitrous oxide poses the largest threat to our ozone and climate.

This powerful gas naturally occurs in our atmosphere, but in very small quantities. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans dramatically increased its presence through various industry emissions. These include chemical manufacturing, electricity production, waste management, and transportation, among others. Specifically, the agriculture industry contributes to two thirds of all nitrous oxide emissions.

According to Chief Scientist Dr. Joseph Alcamo, “Nitrous oxide makes up only 6% of the greenhouse gases but in terms of CO2, it is the equivalent to emitting three [billion tons] a year…This is about 50% of the total amount of emissions from every vehicle in the world.”

The report warns that if nothing is done to reduce the emissions, gas levels will double by 2050. On the other hand, successful efforts to reduce it, especially in the agriculture industry, could rapidly result in human and climate benefits valued at about $160 billion a year.