Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - I'm scared and I don't want to file for bankruptcy...what other alternatives do i have? - have been laid off for a while. I have a personal loan, phone bills and about four credit cards. All my credit adds up to about 20k. I just got a new job and I am making about 2400 a month. My rent is 600 a month and I have about 200 monthly bills. All my credit went into collection agencies. Does anyone have any advice...Its not so easy just to pay it off because of my other expenses and settlements usually require 2 or 3 payments to pay off the whole debt. My loan alone was 8 thousand dollars. I want to pay all this off. Can you please give me advice how to pay it all off and than gradualy how can i rebuild my credit. Another option is bankruptcy...I live in New York. If I do bankruptcy, how bad would that affect my future. Also, would it affect me inheriting a house? Would it be a good option? I know it stays on my credit report for 10 years but can i still build credit after filing bankruptcy and how soon? thanks. -