Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Toxic interdependency? - I'll give you a synopsis:
I have a 7 yr old daughter, for whom I have shared custody in the form of an interim agreement with the mother, who also resides in the same city I do. (just a different suburb).
My mother has overtaken my time with my daughter - her reason for this vary every time I ask.
I have no job, declared bankruptcy in Sept. 09.
I'm on social assistance in Montreal Canada.
I have an anxiety disorder, though the source is long known to be this toxic mother.
Now, I need a new flat because my apartment is too expensive and I am behind in rent.
For referral: cannot get one unless I pay the outstanding debt.
I have been out of work 2 yrs - so no job background recently and credit history is backruptcy. Nor can I get a co-signer.
I have 730 to live off each mth.
My education is outdated - I was once in IT and have tried to upgrade but no one to sponsor me.
My mother is toxic to my life. While her and her husband are willing to help me out of these situations for the benefit of my daughter -