The latest animated feature from Disney is an adaption of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen and is the first Disney feature to be directed by a woman, Jennifer Lee, who also wrote the screenplay.
She said: “I was more overwhelmed about being the first writer to become a director at Disney animated features. But it’s been amazing. I think more and more women are going into animation. Women bring more voices, more originality to the characters, because it’s a safe room to speak what you feel and we really created that. I’m really proud of these characters. I think they’re all very real, raw, easy to relate to, flawed like all of us, but yet inspirational at the same time.”
“Frozen” features not just one but two singing princesses. The older one inadvertently creating endless winter, the younger trying to reach her and save the country. The younger sister, Anna, was voiced by Kristen Bell: “Jen is so in tune with the female’s perspective, and I really felt like we matched wits in finding out who Anna was. And we were both in agreement that we didn’t want to make her just typical and I didn’t want her to have good posture and sort of be just so all the time. We wanted to create this bizarre, goofy awkward girl that I would have looked up to when I was a kid.”
Frozen will be on screens worldwide this Christmas.