Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Can you include a judgement in bankruptcy? - The filing of either a Chapter Seven straight bankruptcy or Chapter Thirteen debt adjustment immediately stops any lawsuits from being filed or judgments being taken against you. If a law suit is pending at the time of such filing, it can go no further. If a judgment has been taken, its enforcement can go no further. If a creditor has a judgment and is garnishing your wages, the garnishment can be stopped. Filing for Chapter Seven straight bankruptcy may relieve you of the obligation to pay the judgment. In a Chapter Thirteen debt adjustment, you may be able to satisfy the judgment over a period not to exceed five years. If the judgment has placed a lien on your home, that lien can be removed if it interferes with your homestead.
Your best source of information is a bankruptcy attorney. The initial consultation is free. -