SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Are there really government assisted debt consolidation services available to the public?

2013-11-25 5

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Are there really government assisted debt consolidation services available to the public? - My step-mother is a disabled vet, with a massive amount of credit card debt left over from my father passing away. She's simply doesn't have enough income from VA disability to pay for all the debt and has been waiting for almost 2 years to get her first Social Security hearing, which still isn't until next month.

She doesn't want to claim bankruptcy, she simply wants to consolidate a few credit cards and a small home equity loan into a single low interest account she can make large payments on. I believe in total, she has about 20k dollars worth of debt between all the accounts and is paying just over the minimum payments about $800 a month. She's not really making progress with the current state of things.

Most of the debt consolidation sites seem to simply be bankruptcy attorneys, which is obviously not what she's looking for.

We are in the Texas, so any state programs, federal programs or anything the VA might offer would be great. I'm looking for a non-profit or social service that can assist her, not just an attorney out to make some money off people who are already struggling. -

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