SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Someone who knows about houses and how to keep a house that isn't in your name?

2013-11-25 1

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Someone who knows about houses and how to keep a house that isn't in your name? - Now, I don't know all the details and I don't know what a lot of terms mean regarding houses and mortgages and stuff like that.. so please as simple as you can.

My family and I have been living with my grandma since the end of 2009, and she recently passed away in february but the house isn't in our name, and she didn't give it to family in her will. They said we have to refinance to get it in our name in order to stay, but we don't have the money to refinance because my family is declaring bankruptcy right now.

Is there any way we can refinance without having money, or would they maybe let us rent the house until we could buy it?

They said it was going to probate.. I don't know what that means or if it'll be helpful. -