SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Do I suppose to get half of my ex-husband to be debts? Including his travel expenses for work?

2013-11-25 5

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Do I suppose to get half of my ex-husband to be debts? Including his travel expenses for work? - I didn't want to make taxes with my ex-husband to be because he didn't want to use a special form that allows a direct deposit in multiple accounts. I don't trust him at all.He started threaten me. I just found out I have been living a lye during many years. I think He pays for everything with credit cards (He said be prepare to get 50000 debt.- I made a very little money. from a part time job.While he has a very good job as an engineer. HE TRAVELS A LOT. HE HAS TRAVEL EXPENSES THAT I think he put in his credit card (he used to go to the best restaurants every day -