SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Debt consolidation for secured debt like auto loans?

2013-11-24 11

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Debt consolidation for secured debt like auto loans? - My fiancee got hurt and was out of work for several months. In this time we got way behind. Because of his injury he could no longer do the strenous work his job requires and was forced to get a differant job. He ended up taking a serious pay cut. We flew through our savings and ended up getting way behind. We worked out a deal with out lanlord and are now renting somewhere else for cheaper but it still seems like we will never be able to catch up. Not only are we behind but we cant afford the bills we once could like our car loans. We have a crap load of medical bills we cant pay either. And to make matters worse i cant work due to a high risk pregnancy and prior to getting pregnant i stayed home and homeschooled my children because he was making enough. We have no idea what to do now. Were being sued for a $400 loan about to lose both cars barely making our house payment and paying medical bills is out of the question. Because we dont own a home i dont think bankruptcy is really a good option. My question is does debt consolidation work for secured loans like car loans or just credit cards? And if not does anyone have any idea of we should do in this situation? Or maybe the names of some good companies that we could work though. -

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