SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Chapter 7 Bankruptcy help?

2013-11-24 1

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Chapter 7 Bankruptcy help? - My relative is contemplating filing a 7 bankruptcy. She owns her home and can make the payments fine but has few little things that she is having a very hard time paying back/ a few credit cards (2) and a roomstore bed. The total cost of what she is having a hard time paying back is only about $3,000 but because of interest it has gone up to about $4,000. I know thats actually not that much compared to many peoples debt and I am concerned cause I know it will effect her for a long while. She has consulted a debt person about putting it all together and doing a low monthly payment but the roomstore people wont settle and want the full payment now...something she cant do. She payed off the bed down to 700 from 1300 and now they want 1500 from her and she cant pay that all upfront because she must pay her house bill etc... can you give me some advice for her? Please no mean ppl. :) Ive tried selling the bed for her for what she had payed it down from 700. but its not moving... we dont know what to do and she doesnt have much time. Thank You -