SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Buying a home after chapter 7 bankruptcy?

2013-11-23 2

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Buying a home after chapter 7 bankruptcy? - How long till I can be approved?Hello I filed chapter 7 last year was discharged in August. I recently checked mine and my wifes scores they are both around 595. All the info I am reading online states that it is two years is this true or is it based on your score more than the time since filed. I live in an area where you can buy a fixer upper about 50 miles from the city for about 50,000. Does anyone with experience in this situation know what my options may be do I need to wait 2 years 10 years or could I begin trying to get financed once my credit scores are above 620? My bankruptcy was due to lay off and me being in the hospital for major depression. I was actually told to file for disability by my doctor but decided against it . -