SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - What to do about my boyfriend's sister? She can't pay rent on time and I don't know what to do!?

2013-11-23 17

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - What to do about my boyfriend's sister? She can't pay rent on time and I don't know what to do!? - Hi, I am a 29-year-old divorcee living in a 2-bedroom with my boyfriend. His sister (my age) and her preschool-aged son recently moved in with us, with the expectation of signing a new lease with us and renting out the second bedroom for 1/3 rent and 1/3 utilities.
The problem is that yesterday was the 1st, and she only came up with about 1/2 of the rent and utilities (and her utility payment was 5 days late!), saying that there was a withdrawal limit on her EBT card (which she knew about in advance of this). She failed to plan ahead - or at least failed to communicate that she didn't have enough to pay rent on time, and instead ran to the ATM at the last minute, when I was supposed to be on my way to the bank. I had to get there before they closed, of course!. She even asked if I could watch her sick child for her while she ran her errand, while I'm wondering why she didn't get this taken care of sooner.
A good rental history is my last line of defense for any good credit I'll have when I need it - which would be this month -