Experts Cite Cotton Ball Diet Dangers

2013-11-23 51

Since the cotton ball diet’s spike in popularity, health experts have been active in spreading the word about the extreme dangers inherent in the weight-loss scheme.

The cotton ball diet has been picking up devotees, with websites, chat rooms, and videos offering instructions and advice on the fad weight-loss scheme.

Since its spike in popularity, health experts have been active in spreading the word about the extreme dangers inherent in the weight-loss scheme.

The biggest threat is in the diet’s staple food source – cotton balls dipped in orange juice, lemonade or a smoothie.

Those are consumed either as or before a meal to help cut down on the intake of actual food.

A diet review site editor pointed out that despite their name, cotton balls are not primarily made of natural fibers, but rather chemical-laden polyester, a potential danger in itself.

Dieticians and doctors have offered more serious warnings about ingesting wads of synthetic fibers.

Of course there are risks of choking and malnutrition, but one could also seriously mess up their digestive tract.

When large amounts of indigestible fibers are introduced to the system, they can form masses called bezoars.

Bezoars can grow until they’re large enough to cause both blockages and complete obstructions in the intestinal tract.

Both are considered to be extremely serious and even life threatening.