Stress From Unemployment Can Cause Faster Aging in Men

2013-11-23 26

A new study from researchers in the UK and Finland has found that men who are stressed out by not having a job might be aging faster.

A new study from researchers in the UK and Finland has found that men who are stressed out by not having a job might be aging faster.

According to the results of the study, young men who had been out of work for 500 or more days were more likely to have shorter telomeres, which is a part of the chromosome that influences cellular age and health.

Researchers looked at blood samples from around 56 hundred men and women that are part of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 who have had other parts of their lives monitored, and compared the subject’s telomere length with other factors like employment history and lifestyle.

The authors of the study wrote: “The stress resulting from long-term unemployment appeared to be of key importance. Unemployment has been linked with numerous poor health outcomes including mortality, and now also with shorter telomere length, a potential biomarker of premature aging.”

Another study that looked at a smaller subject group of different ages found that employment status and history did not have any correlation with telomere length.

What do you think about the possible connection between stress from unemployment and cellular aging?