NASA's STEREO has made predictions of Comet ISON's path around the Sun on November 28. If the Comet swings around the Sun, NASA's STEREO spacecraft will have a spectacular view. Comet ISON appears to be heading towards the Sun on a slight pitch, but is supposed to leave on steeper one. The Heliospheric Imager # 2 on the Ahead spacecraft will be taking some of the most interesting photos we will ever see, besides astronomer Damian Peach. The video shows images from SOHO's site.
(Will leave link) They predict where Comet ISON will be with Red Lines. The first image shows the projected day-by-da location of the Comet in the HI2-A field-of-view from October 10, 2013 - November 23, 2013. The second image shows the predicted day-by-day position of Comet ISON in the HI2- field-of-view from October (on Left) 10, 2013 - November 23, 2013 (on right). Image three shows the predicted day-by-day position in the HI1-1-A field-of-view from November 21, 2013 (moving from left to right). Fourth images shows the predicted position of Comet ISON in the HI1-b with 180 degree roll. Prediction picture of position of Comet ISON in in HI1-b from October 24, (on the right) to November 25, 2013 on the left, assuming a roll of 180 degrees. Shown next is the progress of Comet ISON through the HI1-b field-of-view, that's if the Behind spacecraft rolled by 180 degrees (controlled movement). Once the spacecraft is positioned the Comet would enter from the right, and move swiftly toward the Sun (on the left). NASA plans to roll the spacecraft on a planned daily routine for a few days when Ison reaches Perihelion. That's all I will tell you, you need to watch this video if you want to know more! Thanks for watching, if you liked this video, Subscribe to our YouTube Channel! -Space Central-