SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Filing bankruptcy (lawyer or paralegal?)?

2013-11-22 0

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Filing bankruptcy (lawyer or paralegal?)? - I am trying to figure out which route to go. I owe over 30 Thousand in debt and at the moment I don't own any property besides a car I bought for $1,000 a year ago (1997 Chevy) I don't have a job currently due to be laid off and on unemployment. I due have income tax which is about 2000 (The lawyer I talked to is charging 1000 + 300 in court fees) so that would be all my money... How hard is it going the paralegal way? Is it a for sure thing my bankruptcy will go through? Is the lawyer a better choice? need help!? -