SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Prev Owners broke in house and stole items - owner financed?

2013-11-22 2

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Prev Owners broke in house and stole items - owner financed? - I'll try to not make this too long. We purchased a home that is owner financed and the payment is made through a local title company. We talked to the owner and explained that because of my recent surgeries we could no longer afford the house and would be turning it back over to him. This was about 2 weeks ago. He said no problem and we agreed to get paper work drawn up so that the owner wouldn't need to go through the expense and headache of foreclosure. We are now 70 days behind on the mortgage and have begun bankruptcy. Yesterday he took the doorknob off the door and replaced it with a deadbolt. He said that we cannot get our belongings out and did something to our Truck so that it won't run. We stopped living in the house when we started to move our things out. We have most out and will be done moving in a couple of days. It is hard to do it quickly because of my recent brain surgery. The stress of moving is hard enough, now this has me a basket case. The local police will not help because they say that it is a civil matter. How is trespassing and Breaking and Entering a civil matter? We talked to the local prosecutor and she will not do anything, she says it is civil. Our attorney says it is criminal and civil. We are filing a medical bankruptcy and our attorney said that we should offer the previous owner the deed in lieu of the monies we owe (he won't get paid anyway because of the bankruptcy). We did, he refused and served us with foreclosure papers. I just want this over with, but the attorney says we have to sue civilly if we want action taken because they will not press charges. It could be over with now, if he would agree. I don't want to do all of this, but he stole from us and the store. I'm just afraid that I will spend a bunch of money on a lawyer and not get repaid for the items that were stolen from me. Not to mention the stress and the fact that this is an extremely small town and it could hurt our reputation. Any and all advice appreciated, thank you -