Man Accused of Damaging Restaurant Over Bacon Price

2013-11-21 52

One man in Paget, Bermuda has confessed to breaking the glass doors of a local restaurant. The reasoning for the damage was that he was being charged $3.25 for a serving of bacon.

How much do you love bacon?

One man in Paget, Bermuda has confessed to breaking the glass doors of a local restaurant.

The reasoning for the damage was reportedly because he flew into a rage after being charged $3.25 for a serving of bacon. Mark DaCosta was arrested following the incident and admitted that he was the one to break the door, but he claimed it was all an accident after he forcibly and quickly tried to open it using his foot.

The owner of the restaurant is DaCosta’s cousin. Although he was charged with causing over $600 damage to the business, DaCosta thought there was no need for the legal proceedings.

He stated “We are cousins. We pinged marbles together. This is a huge waste of time. It’s a family owned restaurant. I would never do that on purpose. I go there every week.”

DaCosta has apologized for breaking the glass door, but he told the court that his preferred restaurant's price of bacon was ridiculous.

What do you think? Should DaCosta have been charged?

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