2013-11-21 4

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Being sued by State Farm? - A little over a year ago I was involved in an at fault accident and did not have insurance (I know...DUMB, but it's a long story. Had just got the car and blah blah). I was contacted by statefarm to set up payment arrangements and I was not working and I offered to start with $50 a month until I could afford more. I was told that was not acceptable. Now, I have recieved a letter from State Farm's attorney saying they are Suing for 7,000 and will be in court next month. Can anyone tell me what will happen when I got to court and if the will garnish my wages or will i be given another chance to setup payment arrangements? I live in MS and with the oil spill I'm not getting any hours at work. I'm thinking about filing bankruptcy because I'm already in other debt. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. -