SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - How can I stop creditors from calling family members?

2013-11-20 8

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - How can I stop creditors from calling family members? - Especially my mom.

I am not asking this out of embarrassment. My family know my situation and I'm not trying to hide things from them. But I am very irritated that the creditors are bothering my family, especially my mother. If I don't answer their call every freakin day they keep calling her. I don't need to talk to them every day. I don't have the money and that is that. My mom doesn't either, and I am mostly mad about them bothering her... since she has nothing to do with this.

How can I stop them from calling her?

I know about cease and desist letters, but I think that is only for after an account defaults and goes to collections. My cards are one month late right now because I have to choose between paying them or food and shelter. Pretty easy to figure that one out.

Help? What will make them leave her alone. It's making me really mad.

Yes, I will thumbs down anyone who says to pay the cards to make them stop calling her. I can't. I will be filing bankruptcy because I really have no other choice now. I just want them to leave her out of it. I am not embarrassed, and she has been nothing but kind to me about it all... I am just pissed that someone is bothering my family. -