Swing that Music - Bobby Hackett

2007-02-14 4

Swing That Music Hackett Bobby 1962

The Bobby Hackett Sextet performs a live set in a film originally commissioned by the Goodyear Tire Company and shot on 35mm film with professional stereo sound. The shows were presented in 16 mm with a mono track Over the years the tracks faded to pink bacause of an unstable print stock and what once was an professional looking endeavor now certainly looked somewhat out of date.
For years I already had these clips in my collection and I guess these were copies of the 16 mm films video and yes, mine are a bit pinkish. So what, the music is there with Hackett's beautiful cornet phrasing. Whatever tune Hackett plays, it is always worth listening to Storyville Films has painstakingly restored some of these these historical film tracks to the best possible quality. Three tracks each from the Hackett show are available on Storyville's Jazz Festival Volume I and Volume 2.
The Danish Storyville Company's catalogue is presenting a heap of re-issued films on DVD and it is certainly worth visiting their website if you want to order very reasonably priced jazz films for full screen watching on TV. http://storyvilledvd.com/
These performances were recorded in New York City in 1962, and offers a look at these legendary performers in their absolute prime.
Bobby Hackett cornet at 47, Bob Wilber clarinet at 34, Urbie Green trombone at 36, Dave McKenna on piano at 32. Nabil Totah on bass and Morey Feld on drums.