SkillSprint: Interpersonal Skills Training Module, Introduction

2013-11-20 54

Interpersonal skills are also called as Interaction skills, within an organization's boundaries. A person who possesses these skills will be able to smoothly work within an organization, and be part of a highly productive and focused team which benefits the organization and the individual both. Many organizations want to create a culture where the associates can work with each other in a collaborative setting, but fail to educate their employees on how to create these skills within the teams. SkillSprint will help you to inculcate these skills among your employees. Interpersonal skills are important for everyone, but they are especially critical for managers, who want to improve employee productivity, performance and morale. Understanding different personality types will help your managers to become more effective in their work. This module will help your associates to Identify expectations of a leadership role, Implement effective communication skills including listening and questioning skills, Techniques to adapt your communication and management style to suit different personalities etc