Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - We need to refinance our home....? - but I can't find anyone that will. Here is the deal we filed bankruptcy about a year ago because of business went under. We never missed a payment on our home only credit cards and a few business loans. Our current score is about 650, our current home loan is for 150,000 and home is valued at 180,000. We both have jobs, but make much less than we use to. We tired to get our bank to modify our home loan through the Making Home Affordable Plan but they refuse to. FHA loans have to be two years out and conventional four. So my question is how and who will or can do a refiy for us. The only other thing we are down to is selling the home and moving, but again we can't buy and then are little to no homes to rent in our area of the country. We love our home and really want to stay as it's close to our family and our daughter loves it there. Please help, any ideas?
We have already tried several credit unions and they were no help either. -