SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Advice about debt and payday loans?

2013-11-19 4

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Advice about debt and payday loans? - I've got myself in a real mess. I had problems with my land lady and needed to move, in order to put down a deposit I needed to borrow the money. The only way I could get it was a payday loan. Unfortunately even with my damage deposit back I wasn't able to pay it all off. I was hoping my Boyfriend would start working and then I'd pay it off and all would be fine. Well it's 7 months later and he's still not working so I have been having to borrowing more and more each month to pay my bills and support us, since they charge so much interest. I tired to apply for normal loans but no one will lend to me. A company called Debt Free Helpline have said they could do a Debt Management for me. I'm just not sure this kind of thing would work with a payday loan and I've seen negative write ups about them on the net. I don't know if I have any choice but to do it and not sure if maybe I should just declare bankruptcy or maybe just default on the payday loan.

I would like some advice from someone not trying to sell me something (since all the debt help online seems to be just Debt Consolidation, Loan, or Debt Management companies). Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this. -