SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - 14 Year Old Girls Putting Their Pictures On The Internet, Being Targets for Predators and Trolls?

2013-11-19 44

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - 14 Year Old Girls Putting Their Pictures On The Internet, Being Targets for Predators and Trolls? - I was reading this article in rolling stone about this girl called kiki kannibal who put herself online and posed in revealing photos and all that at the age of 14. She got oodles of attention but also got death threats and stalkers and was even taken advantage of by a 19 year old boy. But, she loved the attention and despite all the danger she was facing, she still kept up her Internet life. Her mother even supported her in this and said she was all for creativity. Her family is now dealing with bankruptcy after having to leave their home without notice to protect themselves, yet they still support their daughter and her Internet life.

Whose to blame here? Kiki's mother? Kiki? The Internet? Does the old adage, play with fire and get burned, come into play here? For instance, Kiki verbally attacked her attackers through the Internet, provoking them further. If you were her mother, what would you have done? -