Graves disease 21:03
Graves' disease Protocols...
MitoThyroid two capsules in AM
Adrenal Support one capsule in AM
Nutriodine 10 drops in filtered water twice per day
Selenium Cruciferate one capsule twice per day
Cell Defense two caplets twice per day
Inflam-X three to five capsules twice per day
NutriTRALA one tablet three times per day
ImmunoMAX one tspn or Nutrimmune two to three capsules twice per day
AllerGONE one to two capsules twice per day
MalignArrest one-half packet or three caplets twice per day
MyCell D3 5,000 three softgels twice per day
Power C PLUS six capsules + three times per day
Full Vitamin K2 one caspule per three Power C PLUS
Gamma E PLUS one to two softgels twice per day
AllicinMED one caspule twice per day
Silver 100 one spray or 3 drops per 10 pounds body weight
SomaPulse 2 hours twice per day setting 4
Lumen Photon Setting 7 and NICO 30 minutes plus twice per day
plus twice per day
Graves disease protocol
Graves disease protocols