Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Why doesn't Saab just call it quits and file for bankruptcy? - Their cars are sh*t, they don't have a good reputation like BMW or Lexus, no one owns them or is buying them, the economy sucks, and now some European supplier group is urging them to just file for Bankruptcy. They can't pay their employees, and they need $1.4 Billion to turn around operations which they will NEVER get from sales along unless they turn into BMW or Audi over night. Why they don't they just understand it's time to call it quits already.
Also how did they even make it this far?? I know no one that owns or ever even thought about buying a Saab. I cant even think of where a Saab dealership is. I know people with BMWs, Audis, Chevys, Ferraris and I live by so many car Dealerships. NO Saab! -