Hunt for bodies continues in the Philippines, survivors criticise relief response

2013-11-17 152


Heart-wrenching images in the central Philippines.

A policeman carries a body bag for a child.

Here, the ruined remains of a church where 20 people took refuge when the super typhoon hit. Everyone inside died.

Those who did survive are becoming increasingly desperate over the slow pace of aid distribution.

(SOUNDBITE)(English and Filipino) YUL CAORDI SAYING:

"We're not satisfied with the national government because the aid is very slow. Very slow"

International aid efforts have been hampered because bridges and roads were destroyed by surging waves and powerful winds.

In Cebu airport, the first aid flight by the British air force arrives.

The airmen hope to clear the roads to allow medical supplies and food to get through to the worst hit areas.

It's been more than one week since Typhoon Haiyan killed at least three thousand five hundred people...and displaced millions.

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