That Famous Chinese TV Dating Show Adapted for Vancouver Singles' Club Pub Nights

2013-11-16 2

Vancouver Surrey BC. Many single men and women want to audition for Fei Cheng Wu Rao (非诚勿扰) an extremely popular television dating game show, watched weekly by 300 million people, on Jiangsu Satellite Television network. The show's title translate to "If You Are the One" in English. Unfortunately for these singles, so would thousands of other Canadians. That's a problem that is looking for a solution. Fortunately, a Vancouver entertainment group has come up with a successful model that fits in with the typical club or pub Friday night beer crowd. The producer of the Vancouver game show uses electronic inventions to scientifically gauge the interest (i.e. how much the target single is really keen) of contestants. Even works for adults' birthday parties! What an idea.