Attention Powered Car Road Trip -- Leg 1 -- Perth to Busselton‬

2013-11-14 11 In an
effort to learn more about driver inattention, one of the biggest
killers on WA roads, RAC created the world's first Attention Powered
Car -- a car that goes when you're paying attention and slows when
you're not. And now, we've hit the road to see how drivers
perform in real-world conditions. Leg one of our road trip saw the Happ
family pile into the Attention Powered Car and head south to Busselton
on a typical holiday drive. Mum Jacquie, was surprised to discover what
made her lose attention the most. In Busselton, we met up with the
Wrights. Veterans of the caravan driving, they were keen to test their
mental metal against our attention hungry i45. Despite feeling quite
confident in his abilities to stay focused, Colin lost attention many
times. Check out the video to see the Attention Powered
Car on the road and how our drivers performed. Follow our journey as we
head to Albany and then the Wheatbelt to put more WA drivers to the
test at