Junichi Saito, a 31-year-old unemployed man, was arrested in Saitama, just outside of Tokyo, for stabbing a friend after an argument stemming from an online game. The suspect was charged with stabbing his 32-year-old friend in the stomach last Saturday outside his home. The pair became friends over a dozen years ago in a local video arcade center, and always played online regularly.
Sometime during one of their regular gaming sessions, the pair got into an argument via the game's online chat system. With his fingers growing tired, and anger seething, the victim decided to drive over to his buddy's house to finish the argument in person.
Things got twisted however when Saito also decided he was tired of the argument as well, grabbing a kitchen knife and going outside to greet the victim with a knife shot to the gut.
Saito claims his friend would regularly hit him and berate him during matches and didn't wish to endure his violent outbursts any longer.
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