Excellent Tips for Bodybuilding Motivation

2013-11-13 176


Excellent Tips for Bodybuilding Motivation

Hi, I'm Jackson from actionjacksonfitness.com. I'm a certified personal trainer, a certified kettle ball instructor, and I'm also a nationally published fitness model.

I'm here today to give you some advice and impart some bodybuilding motivation in the gym. I've got two quick tips for you that have tremendously helped me increase my focus and intensity in the gym.

First Bodybuilding Motivation Tip is: mentally prepare yourself as if you are stepping onto the stage of the show, stepping into the batter's box in a baseball game, or running out of the tunnel onto to the field of football game.

What do I mean by this? Well, it's game time, it's show time, it's your time to shine. Think of it as a competition not only against yourself, but against every single other person in the gym.

Can you push yourself harder than you did last time? Are you going to out work the guy next to you? Can you put in more effort in the next 60 minutes than most people put in all week?

I played sports all my life. I'm a very competitive person. So this mindset did wonders to motivate me and to really get me better results in the gym. For me this is my competitive and athletic outlet because I don't play sports anymore.

I mentally prepare myself as if I'm playing in the Super Bowl every single workout. Try it. You might be surprised at the results.

Bodybuilding Motivation Bonus Tip: try using some pump-up music or maybe a pump-up video that you watch on your phone before your workout. I tend to have some specific music that I'll play on my way to the gym and right when I get to the gym that really helps me to get into this mindset and it really helps motivate me and get the competitive juices flowing.

Second Bodybuilding Motivation Tip: Visualize during your workout. I know, visualize what? Well, when I'm about to do a heavy set of bench or squats I visualize myself doing every single repetition in my head before I actually do it. And I even breathe along with every single repetition that I'm doing.

I see the strain on my face, the struggle, the sweat, and the ultimate success as I complete every single target repetition in the set. Obviously, if you are doing a high rep low weight workout this technique might slow you down and would be a little bit unnecessary. But try incorporating it on those heavy, tough sets of less than 10 repetitions.

That's it for today. I hope these two bodybuilding motivation techniques will work for you and bring you greater success in the gym. Thanks for watching. I'm Jackson from actionjacksonfitness.com.