Defense Nutrition Muscle Building and Human Fitness

2013-11-12 26 - The Warrior Diet has a unique fitness approach, that seems to be in extreme conflict with those of conventional fitness. The Warrior Diet's aims at granting biological fitness with low meal frequency and no calorie overload.

Anabolic feeding regimens and growth promoting supplements have one thing in common: they're all geared to overactivate mTOR which is the body's main growth pathway. When overstimulated too often, (such as with frequent feeding and calorie overload), mTOR may turn harmful and deadly as it induces adverse hypertrophy, causing cellular aging and malignancies. Furthermore, frequent feedings and calorie overload cause massive increase in cellular oxidative radicals which damage proteins, lipids and DNA, leading to muscle fiber deterioration, pre-mature aging and loss of function

Have several small whey protein meals -- back to back -- right after your workout, during the undereating phase. Called "pulse feeding" this regimen grants maximum anabolic impact from minimum food, and it does not involve calorie overload. Then, at your evening meal keep a moderate protein intake. And at all times separate between carb fuel days and fat fuel days.

Your main goal: Keeping insulin at peak sensitivity.

Insulin is your key anabolic hormone. To keep it sensitive, make all your meals low glycemic, and minimize intake of saturated fat derived from meat, pork or poultry. (Saturated fat from animal flesh sources has shown to cause insulin resistance). Keeping your insulin sensitive yields great advantage: your body is at peak capacity to repair tissues and improve muscle fibers quality. And it becomes increasingly resilient to stress and age-related deterioration.

Your exercise strategy should accommodate your goals. Do not overtrain, do not do prolonged aerobic sessions, keep your workouts super intense but short. Take a look at our CFT DVD( , Advanced CFT and Warrior Diet ( complement your current training regimen.