This is based on fraudulent claims of 1 seller who goes by numerous names on Ebay and You Tube. Known now to the public as THE SCAM ARTIST. He has had numerous careers, all for the purpose of scamming buyers. He has made false and misleading claims on RIP OFF REPORT, BLOGS, and in YOU TUBE against Windy Nation, Thermodyne Hydrogen Appliances, Windmax, Southwest wind power, and many ebay sellers of alternative energy products. He will embezzle, threaten you your family, children, friends and Lie on a hourly basis and is a very limited, very odd cultist leader of very low intellect people. ( we have 121 emails denoting these claims from us and 16 recorded phone conversations).
He is a Con Man and has been his whole life, and we ( 9 of us) hired a Private investigator who has verified all the information. This man Sues when evidence of fraud is spoke of and has a attorney that makes a Ambulance chasing attorney look like he has better morals. But the LAW of false advertising and fraud is now on the case. You should know now, who this is.
Careful who you buy from.