Deep Dive In HDFS (What is Hadoop ?)

2013-11-11 1

First two modules are free (Best Quality is Promise, watch it right now)
Module 1 : Introduction to BigData, Hadoop (HDFS and MapReduce) : Available (Length 35 Minutes)
1. BigData Inroduction
2. Hadoop Introduction
3. HDFS Introduction
4. MapReduce Introduction

Video URL :

Module 2 : Deep Dive in HDFS : Available (Length 48 Minutes)

1. HDFS Design
2. Fundamental of HDFS (Blocks, NameNode, DataNode, Secondary Name Node)
3. Rack Awareness
4. Read/Write from HDFS
5. HDFS Federation and High Availability
6. Parallel Copying using DistCp
7. HDFS Command Line Interface
Video URL :

Module 3 : Understanding MapReduce : Available (Length 60 Minutes)
1. JobTracker and TaskTracker
2. Topology Hadoop cluster
3. Example of MapReduce
Map Function
Reduce Function
4. Java Implementation of MapReduce
5. DataFlow of MapReduce
6. Use of Combiner

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 4 : MapReduce Internals -1 (In Detail) : Available (Length 57 Minutes)

1. How MapReduce Works
2. Anatomy of MapReduce Job (MR-1)
3. Submission & Initialization of MapReduce Job (What Happen ?)
4. Assigning & Execution of Tasks
5. Monitoring & Progress of MapReduce Job
6. Completion of Job
7. Handling of MapReduce Job
- Task Failure
- TaskTracker Failure
- JobTracker Failure

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 5 : MapReduce-2 (YARN : Yet Another Resource Negotiator) : Available (Length 52 Minutes)

1. Limitation of Current Architecture (Classic)
2. What are the Requirement ?
3. YARN Architecture
4. JobSubmission and Job Initialization
5. Task Assignment and Task Execution
6. Progress and Monitoring of the Job
7. Failure Handling in YARN
- Task Failure
- Application Master Failure
- Node Manager Failure
- Resource Manager Failure

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 6 : Advanced Topic for MapReduce (Performance and Optimization) : Available (Length 58 Minutes)

1. Job Sceduling
2. In Depth Shuffle and Sorting
3. Speculative Execution
4. Output Committers
5. JVM Reuse in MR1
6. Configuration and Performance Tuning

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 7 : Advanced MapReduce Algorithm : Available (Length 87 Minutes)

Module 8 : Advanced MapReduce Algorithm -2 : Available : Private (Length 67 Minutes)

Module 9 : Features of MapReduce : Available : Private (Length 61 Minutes)

Module 10: MapReduce DataTypes and Formats : Available : Private (Length 77 Minutes)

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 11 : Apache Pig : Available (Length 52 Minutes)

Video URL : Watch Private Video

Module 12 : Fundamental of Apache Hive Part-1 : Available (Length 60 Minutes)

Module 13 : Apache Hive : Available (Length 73 Minutes )

Module 14 : Hands On : Single Node Hadoop Cluster Set Up In Amazon Cloud : Available (Length 60 Minutes Hands On Practice Session)

Module 15 : Hands On : Implementation of NGram algorithm : Available (Length 48 Minutes Hands On Practice Session)