Women Are Better Marriage Peacekeepers

2013-11-09 32

When it comes to keeping marriages happy ones, women hold the key to keeping the peace, not just after arguments but for the long haul.

When it comes to happy marriages, women hold the key to keeping the peace, not only after arguments but for the long haul.

A recent study shows that a woman’s efforts to control her emotions during conflict are far more important for long term marital satisfaction than her male partner’s.

Both sexes appeared to be equally matched when it came to calming down on a fight-by-fight basis.

However, when women were quick to come to a place of peace, the long-term impact was far greater, resulting in happier and more enduring unions.

Real peace was best achieved when women initiated “constructive communication” not just bowing out or faking agreement for the sake of calm.

Said one of the study’s authors, “When wives discuss problems and suggest solutions, it helps couples deal with conflicts.”

Somehow, when men tried to initiate a dialogue, it didn’t end up doing as much service to the bigger relationship picture.

The study involved interviewing over 80 heterosexual couples, middle-aged and older, over the course of nearly 25 years.

Researchers videotaped the communications and later took note of facial expressions, body language, and emotional responses.