Applicants cram for Samsung entrance tests

2013-11-08 63

For recent college graduates in South Korea, landing a coveted job at behemouth corporation Samsung is not as easy as simply filling out an application.

These 70 students spend 10 hours a day for a about 10 days at a crammed school to study for the company's one on one interview process.

In addition to the interviews, there are tests, more interviews, and still more tests before a hiring decision is made.

But for job hopefuls, they say it's worth it.


"I have long dreamed of getting a job at Samsung and never thought that I would fail (to enter). But if I fail this time, I'll definitely try again to get into the company. Now, I have useful tips for the preparation so I think I can study more effectively."

Besides their time, applicants spend money- potentially thousands of dollars- on private tutoring and workbooks.

Again, students say it's money well spent.