Katy Perry Now Has More Twitter Followers Than Bieber

2013-11-06 127

There is now a new leader when it comes to having the most followers on Twitter.

Social media and celebrities seemingly go hand in hand. There is now a new leader when it comes to having the most followers on Twitter.

Katy Perry recently earned that remarkable Twitter status following her newest album titled “Prism”, which has steadfastly gained in popularity since its release.

She now has over 46.5 million followers. That officially beat out the social media website’s former star, Justin Bieber who had 46.49 million Twitter fans at the time of Perry’s win.

Bieber held the record for having the most followers for the past nine months or so after his numbers soared past the previous Twitter Queen, Lady Gaga. Despite Perry’s new title, there is still a very small margin of Twitter followers between her and Bieber, meaning the male pop star could reclaim his title at any point.

That may happen soon too, as his newest song called ‘Bad Day’ was just released on iTunes. He also plans on releasing a new single every single week until the middle of December.

Perry claimed to have no real social media strategy making her so popular. She openly admitted to being grammatically challenged, which obviously hasn't impacted her popularity on Twitter.