Students With Bad Grades Must Eat Lunch Separately

2013-11-06 324

Students who get dismal grades at Tennessee’s La Vergne High School can’t join their good-mark-earning friends for lunch.

Students who get dismal grades at Tennessee’s La Vergne High School can’t join their good-mark-earning friends for lunch.

Instead, they dine in a separate location, and have their meal period sliced in half, leaving time for tutoring and learning.

Some parents have expressed that they’re less than thrilled with the set-up, as the time for meals is being compromised.

One has gone as far as to call it a violation of civil rights and a segregation as at least one of the students being sectioned off has special needs.

As far as the students, some truly do appreciate the extra effort being put forward by the administrators and teachers.

They just don’t necessarily want that happening during lunch period.

Said one student, "I don't think it's bad, it's good. We all need it. We need that little help in our lives." She also noted that during the midday break, “We just want to sit with our friends."

Officials at the school say that the program has proven to be a success when it comes to upping students’ GPAs.

Plus, the graduation rate at the high school has gone from 77 to 90 percent in just 2 years.

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