More Churches Praising With Pints of Craft Beer

2013-11-06 18

More U.S. churches are seeking to encourage Christian fellowship through brewing their own craft beer or holding worship services directly in bars.

Traditional churches may be suffering from dwinding membership across the country, but independently organized congregations are gaining in numbers and membership throughout the US. Among the break-out religious communities proving to be quite popular are those that encourage Christian fellowship through brewing their own craft beer or holding worship services directly in bars.

One example is Fort Worth’s Church-in-a-Pub where Sunday evening service at the Zio Carlo brewpub surprises some patrons. Sponsored by Calvary Lutheran Church, its Pastor Philip Heinze said, “I'm not interested, frankly, in making more church members…I'm interested in having people have significant relationships around Jesus. And if it turns out to be craft beer, fine.”

Other examples include the Beer & Hymns event at Portland’s First Christian Church. Senior Pastor Amy Piatt explains that worship services may be changing, and that the important thing is that God is present.

However, with increasing numbers of churches using worldly things like beer and cigars to admittedly draw crowds, many Christians voice concern saying that the church should demonstrate a new way of life that’s focused on God and truth, whether that appeals to people or not.