De Blasio, in mayoral victory, vows to leave no New Yorker behind

2013-11-06 19


Liberal Democrat Bill de Blasio cruised to victory on Tuesday in the race to succeed New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, marking the first time a Democrat has captured City Hall in two decades.

De Blasio, the city's public advocate, was leading Republican rival Joe Lhota 73 percent to 24 percent after a campaign in which he railed against economic inequality in America's most populous city, with 56 percent of precincts reporting.

"My fellow New Yorkers: today, you spoke out loudly and clearly for a new direction in our city, united by a belief that our city should leave no New Yorker behind," de Blasio told a gathering of about 2,000 revelers on Tuesday night in Brooklyn. "The growing inequality we see, the crisis of affordability we face, it has been decades in the making. But its slow creep upon this city cannot weaken our resolve."

After promising to close the gap between the rich and poor, he now faces the challenge of high ex

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