South Korean President attends ceremony to honoring British soldiers who served in Korean War

2013-11-06 35


STORY: The South Korean President Park Geun-hye broke the ground on Tuesday during a ceremony to commemorate British soldiers who served in Korean War.

The ceremony, also attended by the Duke of Cambridge, took place outside the ministry of defense and unveiled a scale model of the obelisk that will remember more than 1,000 British soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean war.

The total number of civilians killed in the war is estimated to stand at around 2.5 million.

Earlier on Tuesday President Park, who is on a state visit to the United Kingdom and is staying at Buckingham Palace as the guest of the Queen, was welcomed with an official ceremony at Horse Guards Parade.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, welcomed President Park who joined them in the royal carriage for a state procession along The Mall to Buckingham Palace. At the palace President Park was shown Korean artifacts in the Royal