Berbers are the native inhabitants of Morocco. Outside of Marrakesh, the Berbers put on an amazing performance of music, dancing, horsemanship, and general entertainment that can compete with Las Vegas.
This clip is a segment of "From Flamenco to Fez”, presenting a 2 continent, 3 country trip to Spain, Morocco, and Portugal.
It features Madrid, Toledo, Grenada (the Alhambra), Seville (Spain), Fez and Marrakesh in Morocco, Lisbon, & Fatima in Portugal, plus much more, including a lavish Berber spectacle of music, dancing, and horse riding.
To enjoy all of this film with a broadband connection, plus over 30 more free, non-commercial, streaming travel videos from every continent, please click on:
With any modem you can view the still photo galleries of this trip at: (Morocco) and (Spain)
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