How To Be An Entrepreneur In A Wheelchair - Entrepreneur Events In a Wheelchair

2013-11-02 17

How To Be An Entrepreneur From a Wheelchair. See how:

Hi my name is Noelle Hill from Wheelchair Entrepreneurs

We teach you how to become a entrepreneur in a wheelchair with our 3 E principle, Employment, Education and Social Enclusion.

5 years ago, while researching employment opportunities for people with disabilities, the results showed that opportunities for employment was sparse..

This is when I came up this the idea of developing the How to be an Entrepreneur in a Wheelchair.

Firstly we had to organise Entrepreneur events to upgrade the skills of the participants, work with them to find out what their passion are, then teach them to research and develop their ideas.

Next was starting a blog or website ie or just to name a few.

Secondly we had to find a place for them to work and this is where Leichhardt Council and the Mayor Jamie Parker, who then provided a space for us to work out of. We organised the launch as an Entrepreneurial Event to promote it in our local area.

We can provide work experience for students from Year 10 -- 12. Our Wheelchair Entrepreneurs pass on their skills and knowledge to other wheelchair users.