Amount of Daily Waste Expected to Triple by 2100

2013-11-01 46

Human beings are creating million of tons of waste every day. One statistic says that in the year 1900, 330 thousand tons of waste were produced by urbanites everyday, compared with 3 point 3 million tons of waste created daily in the year 2000.

Human beings are creating million of tons of waste every day.

One statistic says that in the year 1900, 330 thousand tons of waste were produced by urbanites everyday, compared with 3 point 3 million tons of waste created daily in the year 2000.

Experts estimate that by the end of the 21st century, that number may triple to 11 million tons of waste being produced everyday.

Peak waste has already been reached by some of the more developed countries of the world, where there is more awareness of reducing energy consumption and refuse.

At the same time, countries with emerging economies are producing more trash than ever.

According to Daniel Hoornweg, an associate professor of energy systems at the University of Ontario in Oshawa, Canada: “Where all the new waste is coming from is the cities in those countries that are catching up to us in terms of affluence. Right now the locus of solid waste growth is really China and East Asia.”

The peak amount of waste for the Earth is expected to be reached after the year 2100, but depending on several factors like population growth and consumption levels, it may happen sooner or later than that.