Teachers Accuse Principal of Bullying

2013-11-01 70

Teachers at Loudoun Valley High School in Virginia recently went to the school board and complained that they were being bullied by the principal.

Teachers at Loudoun Valley High School in Virginia recently went to the Loudon Education Association, a school employee advocacy group, and complained that they were being bullied by the principal, Sue Ross, to tweak students’ grades.

A Common story among them is that they were often threatened and intimidated to change marks of D’s and F’s to C’s, regardless of the students’ performance.

Many also reported that they were pressured to water down their lessons and make them easier so students could perform better on tests and assignments.

Since Ross took the post 8 years ago, several instructors have left the school and some have even abandoned the profession.

The working environment has been described as being “like a horror show”.

Said one educator, “We’ve got teachers taking anti-anxiety meds, in tears every Monday—teachers who’ve won Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards who just get chewed to shreds.” (

Among the biggest concerns is that the students aren’t getting the education they need to prepare them for rigorous college classes. It’s become common for Loudoun students to be accepted at prestigious universities.

There is an investigation pending, and Principal Ross maintains that the allegations are false.

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