Giant pet alligator loved cats for dinner in Florida

2013-10-31 41

Alligators are not traditionally thought of as "man's best friend" but this pet alligator did have something in common with Rover, he loved eating cats. Police in Tampa are searching for whoever tied up a 12 foot long alligator to a tree behind an apartment complex. Children were feeding and harassing an alligator on Wednesday when police were called and discovered that the animal had been tethered there. Residents couldn't say who tied up the alligator, but they did say it seems to subsist on cats.

An ordinary adult alligator can survive on perhaps one cat per week. But the alligator tied up at 6909 Indian River Drive was an especially healthy one, at over 500 pounds, which probably got far more cats than that. According to the Tampa Tribune, the alligator was likely born during the Nixon administration, when it probably found hippies and secret communists more to its liking. Throughout the 70s, its tastes changed, first from shag carpet and sideburns, later to tape cassette players and Gameboys by '86. These days, what with getting on in years, cats were just about the last thing the old timer could still chew with his paltry 60 or so teeth.


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