Facts you must know about your Health Insurance in 2014 1-By QQBenefits.com Health Insurance Advisors

2013-10-31 8


Insurance facts for small business owners

Right now the health insurance coverage industry is really dynamic. For an average American, this is really confusing. Because so many people are talking with regards to it at the same time. Getting the most relevant and authentic information is crucial at this moment to chose proper plan;and this is really personalised & differ from person to person. Our motto is - Get the proper health insurance coverage for you in the most convinient manner.

We'll be discussing with regards to small business owner's insurance coverage needs. If you want more details or information, do visit our website.

Small Business Definition
Definition - "It is the business where number of employeed persons is less than 50." Note that this definition is used here for the purpose of health insurance coverage only. So the legal definition might be different.

What are the types of insurance coverage plans?

The most common coverage plans are -
a. Individual & Family Health Insurance Coverage
b) Group health insurance

Let's discuss Individual & family health insurance coverage first - - This plan covers business owner & his family members. As an individual, this is useful for the business owner.

The owner can get proper coverage plan as an individual. But not as a business owner, cause your employees are not covered under this. So, the second insurance coverage plan is best suited for the owners.

Group Health Insurance Coverage Plan - Small Business insurance coverage plans / Group Insurance plans are mainly employer sponsored health coverage plans. Owner & employees are covered with the plan in which they participate. Most of the time, the family members are also included in the coverage. These plans could also be better choice due to tax incentives.

The things you must know
These factors are really crucial while chosing your health coverage plan. The factors -
- The amount of protection you want
- Convenience & comfort
- Your need for specific Doctors/Hospitals
- Premium of the coverage

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