Tinkering Around the House Will Help You Live Longer

2013-10-31 46

Researchers from the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden say that tackling a few projects around the house could help you live longer.

Researchers from the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden say that tackling a few projects around the house could help you live longer.

That includes gardening, working on the car, cleaning out the gutters, and mowing the lawn.

Just about anything that combats falling into a sedentary lifestyle can reduce the risks of having both strokes and heart attacks.

The approximately 4000 subjects involved in the 12-and-a-half-year study were all over the age of 60, and regularly engaged in varying levels of non-exercise physical activities.

Throughout the course of the research there were just over 380 deaths and almost 480 participants who suffered their first major health issue like a stroke or heart problems.

After comparing the lifestyles of those who experienced major health events with those who did not, the researchers concluded that even seemingly benign activities like yard work made a big difference.

In fact, people who took on tasks regularly were about 30 percent less likely to either suffer or perish from significant heart and circulation issues.

Further, the DIY gardeners, mechanics, and landscapers were carting around less excess weight and had lower cholesterol levels.

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